The NO list l The simplest way to eat to create true health

This is SO important you guys!

Before I truly understood how health worked, I just ate the way a lot of the industry talks about for weight loss: lean protein and more veggies. But I also consumed a lot of what I thought were healthy processed foods and sugar free things, my fertility issues forced me to find the true answers and this is it. If you asked me how do I stay healthy it’s by eating this way.

Knowing the real causes of disease and doing my part to give my body what it needs to stay strong and do all of it’s jobs that it does endlessly for me.

These are the foods that I avoid daily as part of my diet and lifestyle to protect my body and feed my cells what they really need. Do I eat these ingredients ever? Um yes, I love a good sourdough bread, I eat out, I’m human, I eat coconut cool whip which doesn’t grow on trees last time I checked.

When you’re deciding what and how to eat always remember to take into account where YOU are right now with your health and body and let that lead you in the choices you make. Everything you eat is felt and experienced by your body. Take care of it the best you can, it is always working for you.

So here are the things I avoid on purpose, happily, lovingly and knowing that it counts, matters and all adds up:

  • MSG: MSG is a neurotoxin, and often found in restaurant foods

  • Soy: one of the top genetically engineered crops in the US, check your labels for soy lecithin it’s in so many things!

  • Corn: another high GMO food, all varieties of corn, corn flour, corn syrups, in crackers, cereals, etc

  • Eggs: all eggs, even organic, cage free

  • Pork

  • Farmed Fish: look for wild caught options

  • Natural Flavors: hidden form of MSG

  • Canola oil: highly inflammatory also a main GMO crop

  • Citric Acid: a corn derivitive

  • Processed Beet Sugar: often the added sugar you hear people talking about, beet sugar is a GMO crop as well (notice a trend here?)

  • Artificial Sugars: Equal, Sweet ‘n Low, Splenda (made from aspartame, sucralose, etc) these are neurotoxins

  • Dairy: all forms of milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurts, sour cream, butter from cows, sheep or goats (sometimes I eat feta from goats, but the cow products are the big triggers)

  • Gluten: gluten is found in barley, wheat and rye, so it’s not just ‘wheat bread’ it’s anything with any of these three grains

  • I also avoid any words I can’t pronounce, processed foods, and food dyes as they are not actually food


Since adopting this simple approach to health, I feel great all the time, I reversed my infertility and got pregnant naturally and I know I am safe-guarding my health and my family’s health by focusing on a high plant diet. Check out my You Tube video where I explain how you can create momentum to all your health results using this approach and mindset here!
