Hips, skinny jeans and what we make it all mean

This morning I did something I haven’t done for over two and a half years. 

Part 1: Skinny jeans

I got dressed for church and put on skinny jeans.

I literally haven’t worn the jeans I used to wear before I was pregnant with Dash since he’s been born, so actually it’s more like 3 years. Good thing my jeans are still in style lol.

Want to know why I haven’t? I’ve been the same size for awhile now, except one thing which I’ll get to in a second.

I was scared.

Yep. I was scared they wouldn’t fit. 

That sounds silly writing it like this, so what if they don’t fit? THIS is the real reason:

I thought it would mean I failed. Here I am a health loving eat all the plants every single day and help other people with it too person and if I don’t fit into all my pre-baby skinny jeans then that clearly means I completely SUCK, have NO value and should hide from the internet. right?!?

Part 2: Hips

After I had Dash, I was in that in between phase where you really don’t care about getting dressed and your body is sort of all over the place, plus it was the beginning of covid so I literally didn’t need or could even go anywhere. If you’ve had a baby you probably know what I’m talking about….it’s real fun.

So anyways, one day Heath was like, ‘so maybe do you want to buy some new clothes?’ because I was wearing his sweats. hmmm. I could do that.

So I ordered a couple pair of pants from ALO (who I love) and they came and they fit except: my hips. 

I literally said, hmm well they are a little hard to pull up but I’m still losing this baby weight so i”m sure they are fine. 

I still love and wear these pants because: they are black and I can wear them with anything and make an outfit. 

Two days ago I was wearing them and realized this: These pants are still hard to get on. And I have lost my baby weight.

>>>My hips are wider

Because I had a baby. 

Why am I telling you this?

Because!!!! Alllllll of this time I was telling myself I still needed to ‘do more’ because these damn pants were hard to get over my hips.

Well I just realized that it’s highly likely that nothing I do is going to change my hips. No amount of celery juice, smoothies, salads and even walking is going to change my skeletal system from giving birth. 

Nor should I try to.

But this entire time I was making it mean something.

This 👆👆👆👆

With my jeans this morning, with these black pants for almost two years now. The meaning is what gets us. 

It makes us think and believe something that isn’t actually true, or could be easily seen in a new way, which is everything.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change - Wayne Dyer

I was beating myself up, and freaking myself out, making myself wrong, bad, not good enough, unworthy and it was costing me big time.

It was costing me the energy of my mind to think about other things, it was costing me being present and enjoying my life and my two babies because I had to be good enough to be a health coach, it was costing me even talking to you guys and being visible way earlier after I had dash.

I wonder if you have ever done this, or are doing this to yourself now?

It’s usually not the actual thing that is the issue. It’s what we make it mean.

If you are wanting to lose weight, what are you making it mean about you?

  • What does it mean if you don’t lose the weight?

  • What does it mean if you do?


Is there a higher way to see this? And to look at through the lens of love.

I decided to remember that I had a baby and that thank goodness my hips got bigger for that :) 

I decided to remember that I am still a completely healthy woman who knows exactly what she teaches and lives everything I share with you. 

I decided to be ok even if my jeans hadn’t fit and I decided to celebrate myself and the method I believe in that they did.

Nothing actually means anything. We’re the only ones who decide what it means.

If you want to lose weight and do it the healthy way, then cool, go ahead and do it, but first make sure you are at least making the weight you have to lose mean this:


Because it doesn’t matter.

You do. And since you matter, you just get to choose.

There’s 48 hours left to join Tip the Scale Sessions.

This is my new live 21 day course to show you the only factors there are when it comes to healthy sustainable weight loss.

This is how your body works with food and has always and will always work with food.

It’s the nutrition, it’s the cleansing, it’s the editing of your own way of doing it that works for you, and it’s the mindset shifts that have to happen.

And accountability because what we’re doing is shifting who you are being in relationship to your body and weight at least more than 51% of your current life. 

When you do that, you will see the result in and on your body.

When you join you’ll get access to the overnight affirmation track I created to program your subconscious mind to believe that you are healthily and effortlessly losing any excess weight you want, and that it’s safe for you to do this.

Plus the first training is in the group and tomorrow we dive into more!
