What's behind acid reflux & esophagus issues and how to heal them

Hi hi!

Today’s blog/vlog is directed toward the fun amazing subject of stomach acid. If you deal with reflux on the regular you have experienced the lovely sensation of acidic stomach acid going where it shouldn’t be going. I had to put the issue of reflux together with esophagus issues because the root of both is this:

There isn’t ENOUGH stomach acid in the body and that is causing these reactions.

I made an entire You Tube video for you on this subject, dedicated to my dear sister who used to have Eosiniphilic Esophagitis (EOE) hint hint…used to because duh it’s all better.

EOE is inflammation of the esophagus and the question we want to be asking is why is there inflammation?


Key takeaways to understand what’s happening here:

  • The inflammation is coming from the stomach acid coming up from the stomach and irritating the esophagus

  • Stretching your esophagus is not the answer: helping your body make enough stomach acid IS the answer

  • Reasons you don’t have enough stomach acid/some of the main triggers include:

    • Your overall consistent diet is too high in fat/animal protein/other fats

    • You are consuming acidic foods/drinks (alcohol/diet soda/soda/coffee/tea/energy drinks/caffeine/sugar/too much animal protein/too much fat)

    • Stress: your body has emotional pores and is listening to all your thoughts and having to hold all your feelings, so it’s really important to deal with the stress in your life

    • An overall sluggish digestive system: from the same reasons above and also pathogen load, if you have activated pathogens (bad bacteria/viruses/parasites and are eating foods that feed them, they stay alive and cause you problems like gut issues, bloating, reflux and more)

Some tips to shift this:

  1. Decrease animal protein: cut down on how often you eat it per day/cut down the serving size/cut down frequency per week or the overall amount in your diet

    1. ALWAYS choose well sourced animal protein: aka organic, grass fed, wild caught

  2. Cut out or cut back on acidic foods (they aren’t helping at all and make it hard to see progress)

  3. More fruits, more veggies: why: because they are the foods that give your body the good information, the information that allows your own body to do the healing work

  4. PLUS fruits and veggies are easy easy peasy to digest so you cut back on the workload required in your body and bam it has time to clean things up and get ahead (one of those things being making more stomach acid on its own)

Watch the video because I tell you what I know about HCL tablets and digestive enzymes and why they aren’t the answers either.

I hope this helps you!

Please share with a friend or leave me a comment on my channel and make sure you subscribe to be notified automatically when my videos are released, I have so many good ones coming for you the rest of the year!

Jodi :)

Details on my gut healing course linked for you below! It’s available immediately so you can get your body back :)