your sugar cravings just died

There’s only two reasons you haven’t fully dropped sugar yet, even though you want to so badly….

✨ Your energy hasn’t shifted to be bigger than your current cravings

✨ You’re limiting yourself from the foods your body wants and needs you to eat so that it’s satisfied on the level of health and tastebuds

When you implement them into your life and diet, you will be free, in this program you will:

>> Put yourself first, stop self sabotaging and embody your worthiness and deservingness of the body you really want.

>> Eat the real ‘sugar’ your body needs from real, whole foods and learn the truth about health and start giving your body the nutrients it is literally telling you you’re craving.

How you are choosing to eat is a reflection of what you think you deserve. When you make yourself and what you WANT more important than what anyone else is doing or eating around you, what parties, dinners, vacations or holidays are happening, you get exactly what you want.

Join this colorful, vibrant, gorgeous recipe filled challenge if you are ready to bust up old ideas that make quitting sugar feel hard or impossible to survive. This is an entire change of how you see yourself, how you see food and what you are willing to do,change and be to have the health you want.

If you’ve had enough and are ready to truly feed yourself what you need, want and deserve this is going to be fun, fast and full of visible and internal success and results.

If you haven’t been successful at quitting sugar yet….and I mean yet, it’s because one or both of these key points has been missing from your approach.

At the end of these 28 days, you will:

  • Have weight falling off of you because you embrace new patterns and healthy habits (10 pounds down is the current theme!)

  • Be free of cravings for processed sugars

  • Feel lighter and full of true, natural energy

  • See hydrated, glowy skin in the mirror

  • Have amazing digestion and knock out bloating

  • Know exactly what to eat and why it works to overcome any craving you have

  • Feel so proud of how you followed through with the commitment you made to yourself

  • Hit your customized (and highly desirable) personal goal for yourself that keeps you dedicated to the process

  • Basically you will feel amazing and delighted with yourself :)


client results


The set-up:

  • My ease in method to get you ready for the full 21 day challenge, prepping your mindset and kitchen

  • Daily accountability so that you stay focused on the goal you set for yourself and can get to the other side of feeling addicted to sugar

  • Tools to help you in the moment of cravings and mindset work up front to help you be completely prepared for changing your relationship with food and sugar

  • A Whole foods, plant focused plan and recipes to help you eat delicious, satisfying foods that keep your body strong as you move through breaking the sugar cravings

  • Swaps for pasta, pizza, ice cream, wraps, and all your favorite meals that are made from real food ingredients that support your health, weight loss and digestion while you love what you eat and love how you feel

  • The inner identity shift that it takes to stay free of sugar in a way that works and feels right for you so that this isn’t another three or four week ‘thing’ you try and do and then fall back into old habits. This is for good so that you are free.

  • Daily inspiration and meditations to help you focus into the healthiest, happiest, best feeling version of yourself that feels so proud of how you are taking care of your body and self.

  • The content will all be available inside your private membership site and is self-led, I give you exactly what to do, you follow the instructions each day and come out the other side with a new, healthy relationship to sugar, and likely down 10 pounds!

  • This round will be hosted live on a private Instagram account with posts for you to follow every single day.


Your 10 pound lighter self is on the other side of you showing up for yourself. It’s all here laid out for you, if you’re ready, join today.

Break Up & Make Up with Sugar
One time

Get clear about the 'sugar' that's really tripping you up so that you can fuel your body with what it needs, watch cravings melt away, show up for yourself like you mean it and watch excess weight & inflammation fall away.

Want to be held personally accountable? Sometimes, it’s the thing that helps you make it happen. Join my Glow Up small group to help walk you through this month long course where you can ask me questions over a group chat and where you check in at the end of each day that you completed your plan. I will be there with you as you move through the content and implement each step.

Next round open for the Sugar Glow Up Group: SEPTEMBER 16 - OCTOBER 13th

Break Up & Make Up with Sugar Glow Up Group
One time

Join the live group 28 day sugar detox challenge with group chat support and daily check ins.

You break old habits by creating new ones, and becoming the person who is committed to them. If you’re ready, I cannot wait to take you through this program!!

