The Story of Dalton

Last night my parents kept the boys for me. Heath has been out of town and I was tired :)

I started to go through some of my photos and videos as I was planning my content for the rest of the month and I found Dalton’s birth video. Only a few of our family and friends have seen the video of the moment we met him.

Something in me wanted to document it, to create a story for us to keep, and for him to have someday and to tell the story for you to give you hope and to help you remember how powerful love is. Love always wins.

I made a short video to outline the journey that got him into our arms. It took eight years for us, but that was only because I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

Still, it was perfect for us, perfect for me to learn what I needed to know to become who I am today. It helped me find answers I longed for. It is a story of great compassion and giving from a place of overflow from my sister and her family.

This kid is crazy good. I love him so much. I didn’t know who I was meeting that day but I am so glad it was him.

Enjoy the video and remember you are powerful. You are capable and you can have your desires.

love, Jodi