What you need is discipline

Mom life intro:

Friday morning it took me two hours to get the boys ready, fed, dressed and in the car to the 2 minute drive to daycare. In fact, Dash was in the car for about 15 minutes alone being so sweet because Dalton was avoiding me, his coat, his socks, his shoes and the fact that it was Friday and he needed to go to school like the plague. 

I literally had to go back to my running car with Dash and watch part of a You Tube video about ‘what to do if your toddler won’t listen to you,’ before I could settle down and go back in with some kind of a plan. And it did work for the moment lol. Another reason You Tube is the best place on the internet!

Fast forward to Friday night. Dash had two tantrums and took forever to go to bed. And I end up on a very good website/blog for parents of littles reading about DISCIPLINE.

This line is a game changer: 

The true meaning of discipline is TO TEACH not TO PUNISH. 

And of course I started to think about health (and I bought their course so watch out babies I’m going to have you in bed by 8pm ha!) 

Discipline isn’t about punishing yourself. I keep talking to you this week about doing health your way and making it work for you. Discipline is about showing up for yourself and your body. 

It isn’t about forcing yourself to do things you actually hate or can’t stand or are just really hard for the sake of it, it’s about you showing up as the best version of yourself. For yourself, to simply teach yourself how to health. How to be healthy. How to be YOUR version of healthy.

It’s love not hate.

I have to be a strong, healthy, powerful mom who can set healthy boundaries and know how to communicate with little people who don’t think like me so they have a safe place to be free in. It’s not about me controlling them, it’s about providing the structure.

Same here.

Creating a healthy lifestyle and food program isn’t about controlling yourself, or controlling your food, or my ideas becoming yours or anyone else’s being the way it ‘has to be.’ 

It’s about finding out what works for you to teach yourself how to be healthy automatically. If you don’t feel awesome in your body right now, what you need are habits to practice until they are just what you do, who you are and they don’t take practice or so much focus.

When you have a structure, you can go after your goal within it to teach yourself, not punish. AND you get to play within the structure and make it fun. That’s it.

If you’re ready for some structure and discipline, this is what the 30 day coaching jumpstart is all about. 

>90 minute intensive to define your plan

>30 days you and me to follow the plan

>Clarity. Peace of mind and results.

Jodi :)