How to save money on organic produce! Find the BEST deals!

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What's the better deal?

I’m sitting in my bed doing my grocery order for the week and yay! It’s so nice to not have to go anywhere, especially on a Saturday! But even if you like to go to the store yourself, or don’t have a delivery option like Instacart, this blog will be helpful so you KNOW what you are looking for and some ideas around the best deals for organic produce.

This is why I love online shopping for produce. You can bop around town or in a warehouse store from your bed with your fingertips!

Check out this strawberry example, these are from COSTCO:

FRESH regular strawberries: $3.96/lb

FRESH ORGANIC strawberries: $6.71/lb

FROZEN regular strawberries: $2.22/lb

FROZEN ORGANIC strawberries: $3.23/lb


PS: just for info, I checked another store I shop at (health food store) and organic fresh strawberries are $4.99/lb so Costco is super pricey for these now.

And their frozen organic option is $5-6/lb so for frozen it's MORE.

I buy the frozen organic on repeat from Costco. WHY? Because organic matters to me a lot for berries since they are on the dirty dozen list and I don't want pesticides all over my cells as much as I can control.


I typically buy: strawberries, wild blueberries, mangoes, cherries, green beans, cauliflower rice, broccoli, and any other new things that pop up 🥦🍒🍓🍌

When I shop for food, I sort of have price point memories in my head so I know if it's a great deal, a good deal, sort of normal, or WAY out of touch with a normal price.

I always remember in the summer at least that I can get organic fresh strawberries sometimes for $1.99/lb. So about $2/lb is a really good deal for organic berries.

Then you see in the fall/winter that they are almost $7/lb! So I just opt for frozen all the time, because I ususally just use strawberries for smoothies AND

I have this trick I use for all my frozen produce where I just move some at a time into glass containers in the fridge so I can still send, whole strawberries in Dalton's lunch or use them in vegan yogurt parfaits, etc.


🍓Shop online so you can save TIME!!!

🍓Frozen organic is a really awesome way to save money on quality produce

🍓Buy in BULK your frozen organic produce for saving 💵💵💵💵 AND ⌚️⌚️⌚️⌚️ Time because you don't have to go to the store every other day!

🍓Get an idea of where you go for certain things and you will just know when to stock up and get extra and not have to use brain energy to go looking for things.

Know what you are looking for and buy it on repeat. Your body will always love organic berries and veggies. Always. Always. Always.

Then - use how to learn each food you love in all the ways possible and you have endless possibilities for delicious plant based recipes!

PS: this is what I'm teaching in Fueled & Focused!

Where do you shop for your produce? Let me know in the comments!

Jodi :)