Sometimes it's hard to speak your truth. Do it anyways.

As I write this, it’s as much therapy for myself as it is to further explain my perspective on health and what things try to make us fear our own health and capabilities AND to show you the very power you have to create how your health works for you, in your world, in your own life forever.

It all starts with who you are. And in health, like many other areas of life, if you don’t on purpose decide who you are, the world, the media, your upbringing, your culture, will all chime in and tell you who to be. Or what you CAN be, or what you CAN’T be or do or have.

My passion for health and truth telling comes from feeling the pain of its limitations in my life years ago. When I was told you can’t have a baby. You have to do it this way or it’ won’t work.

THAT created a fire inside me. And it’s that fire that sometimes causes pain, although it’s never my intention for myself, my family or friends or people who simply read what I write to be hurt.

What I have to do is be me. What i have to do is speak what my soul directs me to speak. Sometimes I need to wait longer and process it before I do so, but I’m human too, I am not perfect. This is what it feels like though, for me to NOT tell you how I see things, how I experience things, how I KNOW things to be because I have created the very thing I speak about in terms of health and my body and not being afraid - it feels like death. It feels like I’m lying to myself if I don’t share it. It feels like dishonoring my own voice and heart. So I do it. I do it and I stand sometimes in places that feel very alone. I feel alone in my radical honesty and truths. But then, I remember others, women, mothers who are way louder than me and I feel so proud of them, and disappointment in myself for not screaming sometimes what I think and know and believe.

It feels like a hard place. To have such strong beliefs and to know those very beliefs will make people you love and who love you roll their eyes, or say to stay away, or just slowly fall out of your life. But I will keep doing it, learning and living and doing it with more tact if it’s possible but always telling you what I know has to be said.

I speak for the women who want to believe in health with all their hearts and mostly do, but sometimes feel afraid. I speak for the people who don’t want to get vaccinated but give in because of pressure. I speak for the families not sure on how to start families, how to feed their children, how to care for them when they’re sick, or what to do when the systems make eating healthy hard. I speak for the people who don’t want to feel afraid. I speak for the people who do know deep down inside what feels true. That fear never is telling you the real story, and maybe just maybe we don’t need to be so scared about our bodies and what might happen.

Who you ARE is going to create your perspective. Being able to say I AM _____________ is the most powerful state to be in. How to do know you are healthy? How do you know that it’s always going to be ok? How do you know? You learn. You tell God you want to know. You decide it’s mandatory.

If you don’t know how food impacts health, if you don’t choose to care for your body day in and day out on repeat like it’s so important because it is, then of course it feels really scary to have a world wide pandemic. Of course it does. If you don’t know that you are the operant power of your whole body AND life, then yes, anything a large group of people say is happening or might happen or could happen would feel scary.

I am so grateful to know how health works. I am so grateful to know that you get to create how your health works. I am so grateful for how food helps my body heal. I am so grateful for real life evidence that MY BODY my dear body has healed itself from so many things already in my life:

My body has healed itself from: (not me - my body did this with MY help)

  • Having no periods to having them consistently AND without symptoms

  • Infertility. Yes my body has healed itself so that it could create Dash

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Migraines: gone

  • Acne: gone

  • Constant bloating and digestive issues: gone

  • Weight that wouldn’t move: gone

  • Many colds

  • Flu

  • Cuts and scrapes

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

This isn’t to say I won’t ever have symptoms. If you know what prompted this blog, you know I can get sick, but it’s who I am that allows me to know it’s ok. My body’s got this. My body is strong. I feed into my body the things that build immunity every single day. I am responsible for my immune system. ME. No one else.

The secret is, you have to put in the effort. The secret is, you are strong and capable and resilient. The secret is, many many many people have overcome far bigger than this.

I wonder what would happen if you all knew your power? I wonder what would happen if you all knew how to build a strong immune system and made that your focus instead of what ifs. I wonder what would happen if you just trusted that this might not be as big of a deal as it’s being made out to be?

I wonder if we all took our health to be a major priority if all these preventable disease states that make us susceptible to a virus would fall away as well?

I wonder what would happen if we sat in gratitude for 10 minutes a day thanking our body for being so healthy and taking such good care of us for every day of our lives? (even if, and ESPECIALLY if your body ins’t feeling great or healthy or the way you want right now)

It’s who you are. I know that I AM healthy.

So nothing, not a pandemic, not the news, not a mandate, not a shutdown, not a muscle test, nothing can tell me I’m sick. Because I’m not. I might temporarily have a body who is working harder for me but I bounce back. WE all have this ability.

Pour your energy, focus, mind and time into knowing how to own your health. Pour your energy into consuming real alive foods that flush away pathogens and clear your channels of elimination. Pour your energy into being in the state of health no matter what things look like.

Pour your energy into feeling and knowing that our world can be healthy, our attention can be focused on other things, that life is there to be lived.

You have to decide first. And this time, is the perfect time to find that clarity on how you can be healthy here and now. How you can find certainty and confidence and look new places that tell you this instead of that you need to be scared.

What you need is to take care of your body so that it can back you like it’s already doing right now.

My only intention is to show you there’s another way to see things. There’s another way to operate. There’s other options on what to believe. All beliefs are optional. Choose the ones that you want.

