Baby Dash is here! AND how to manifest test results you want to see in real life!

>>manifesting test results you WANT to see in real life<<

Hey hey hey!

I realize at this moment I have not sent you an official Baby Dash has arrived email! So here it is, WITH this very important message that I have for you today as well!

Dash arrived January 24th at 4:46am!

7 lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long!

If you want my whole birth story, subscribe to my You Tube channel and make sure to click on the little bell and you’ll get the notification when it’s live!

He’s a complete sweetheart and this story is about HIM and how I used my knowledge of energy and physics to create the test results we wanted to see.

Here’s what happened:

We left the hospital Saturday because we had to get outta there. I do not like hospitals AT ALL. And while I’m super grateful for my nurses and midwives and all that happened there, I just wanted to be HOME. We did this with Dalton too, requested to leave at the 24 hour mark.

Dash was a little jaundice and so they did run some labs on his liver and right as we were walking out of the door, they called us back, told us they ran the WRONG test and we needed to wait. This story is not even about this specifically other than to say that he was being looked after, tested and no mention of this other situation came up - no one said a word to us.

Fast forward to the following Thursday, Heath and I took him to see his pediatrician for his new baby check up. Pretty standard right, they check his weight and make sure everything is good. So that was all fine until my dr pulls out this bunch of papers and sits down and says “so I only see this condition in 1 in every 3,000 or so babies….”

Imagine me: WHAT CONDITION?!?

She hands me the printed out paper that right at the top reads:


(a few lines under it: there is nothing you can do for this condition besides take medication…) (again IMAGINE my face)


No one told me anything about his blood work being off for almost a whole week. This is weird. SO MANY thoughts were going through my head when she told us this.

>>OMG my baby is sick

>>This can’t be true

>>It’s my fault I was too stressed out while pregnant

>>Thyroid conditions are epstein barr

>>I help my clients heal this

>>This isn’t that big of a deal

>>I just don’t believe this

When she told us we needed to get another follow up blood test within the week I snapped out of my daze. Heath wanted to go right away so I ended up walking him into the clinic for a blood draw by myself, holding him as this nice older man priced his heel. Dash didn’t even wake up, thank goodness.

I thought I was pretty fine with what I know about health and thyroid conditions but when we stopped to drop Dalton off at my parents after the blood draw I burst into tears when my mom asked how it went.

No one wants anything wrong with their health let alone their childs. Maybe it was more emotional because he is so little or because I am hormonal, or because it just sucks.

Here’s what I did next.

I took deep breaths.

I said to myself: ANY OUTCOME of this is possible in the quantum field. (remember this always).

And I knew that the energy you are in when you have a test is influencing it’s outcome.

Now obviously Dash is tiny so as his mother I knew I have great power of influence. I had two choices.

Go crazy, get anxious about this start ‘researching’ infant hypothyroidism OR

Chill out. Relax. Remember what I know. I knew it would be ok no matter what. I knew I don’t believe that you can’t ‘cure’ a thyroid issue. I knew I would do whatever it took to influence his health through how I ate. I knew that I could and WOULD hold the energy of the outcome I desired repeatedly.

So I let it go and every morning for about 3 days I wrote in my journal as do every morning in my ‘scripting’ the outcomes I am creating in my life about all topics. What did I write?

Dash is perfectly healthy. He is beautiful healthy and happy. He sleeps so well, he has PERFECT health. The test came back all clear with absolutely NOTHING wrong.

You get the idea. (i did this for dalton before and after he was born too).

Then I sort of forgot about it.

Fast forward to Friday night (3 days ago) Heath came home from work and before he went downstairs to run he said, “oh the doctor called and miraculously Dash is all fine, no issues at all.”

MY FACE: duh.

You can think this is a ‘coincidence’ but I know that a coincidence is all about energies that match up. And I focused on the outcome I wanted, which was that he was fine, no thyroid condition, no issues, perfectly healthy just as I wrote in my scripting.

Dash is here, he IS healthy, he IS a good sleeper, and we are so in love, Dalton can’t get enough of his baby brother :)

This is the power you hold with your health, your body, your potential for transformation. Just remember that, whether it’s an outcome of a test, an outcome of weight loss, of a health condition disappearing or even getting pregnant. I used and still USE my scripting almost every day.

If you want to know more about this, make sure you are in my facebook group, Food Rebels - join us here! I did a video on this story the night we found out his results in there!

And thank you to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers and energy you sent to us all during this pregnancy. We did it! I’m sooo glad to be on the other side and to have a baby in my arms.


Jodi, Heath, Dalton & Dash