40 weeks 3 days....what I learned at the end of this pregnancy that I hope helps you

40 Weeks 3 Days

What I've learned through this pregnancy.

So much.

In the past week, really past few days I have hit my limit. And because I hit this limit and it happened because of my PHYSICAL being, I had a very big and important few realizations that I hope you can use in your life no matter where you are right now.

Let me say this, again.

I AM SO GRATEFUL that I got to be pregnant, even though I didn't really like it.

I am SO GRATEFUL that I got to really know what it felt like in the all the ways to really 'get' it and I can honestly say now that if you have not been pregnant you don't get it. And that's ok.

I am also SO GRATEFUL for the body I had, the healthy body I had been living in for years that I had forgotten how amazing it felt to be in and live in.

I totally totally took it for granted.

Not just an unsquished bladder. Not just waking up at night. Not just my flat STRONG core muscles. Not just the ability to get over a cold very quickly.

But like my WHOLE body felt good all the time, and it took me anywhere i wanted to go, and it ran with me, and walked for hours with me and did hard workouts with me. It digested for me, it cleansed for me, it kept me feeling light and happy about that and I just didn't feel aches or pain or heaviness AT ALL.

And that is a very very very HUGE blessing.

To have ZERO body issues that make you be held back from life. From cooking, from walking, from sleeping, from driving, from getting dressed, from bending over.

These things are meant for everyone.

I am so grateful to know that my body will return to this very very soon.

Point number 1:

You get to live in a great amazing feeling healthy body AND it should be 'normal' YET do not forget to have massive gratitude every single day, every time you think of your body you see your body you notice your body....DO THIS NOW.

It will only improve anything, and heal things that need to be healed. Don't do it to 'get' something though just really drop in and feel how much life you have and how much this body is doing every single minute of every single day.


I hate how my body feels right now. I am OVER IT. My back hurts so much. My legs feel swollen, my nose is stuffy, my feet are so calloused from the weird distributiton of weight.

Gaining weight = NO FUN.

Gaining weight for a baby = good (but still it's not fun)

And no one is saying it should be.

I hit the point where I realized, I HAVE NO CONTROL.

And because I'm a very spiritual person, I had been adding a lot of negative emotions on top of emotions because I thought I could do it differently.

I thought I could make it all good, and make it ok, and that because it hasn't been super fun that I am bad, and I did something wrong. And then I felt bad about THAT.

I have realized I felt like a failure for not being a perky healthy constantly happy pregnant person.

AND it's ok.

It's ok to be right here.

It's ok to feel really heavy and swollen.

It's ok that I can't breathe through my nose.

It's ok that working out almost makes things worse at this point.

It's ok that I ate my healthy lunch and then I ate my chia pancakes with coconut cool whip.

I'm tired.

I don't like how I feel


it's ok.

It HAS to be ok, wherever YOU ARE, it has to be ok because it's where you are, it's what IS.

You have to stop hating what is, or not liking it, or wishing it was different or you will never move.

You haven't failed.

You didn't do something wrong.

You are perfectly imperfect as we all are.

Your body is ok and still right now knows what to do.

I don't know WHY pregnant bodies do these things.

I don't know if it's mass conscious beliefs or individual that are contributing.

I know I did my best.

I know it is what it is.

I know I was a healthy person throughout.

I know I learned so much.

And I know I get to shift back.

And you do too.

Imagine anything less than ideal about your body right now was as CERTAIN as the baby is coming and it is coming soon and then your body will let go of a lot of intense pressure.

Imagine that you FULLY accepted whatever is right now and then said, ok I'm here and I'm good and now I choose to move into what I want.

You don't have to LIKE extra weight, a sore back, colds, viruses, aches, pains, inflammation BUT

You have to be ok with whatever is so you can release yourself from it.

Being ok with what is does not mean you are going to get more of it, in fact it frees you.

Be real with yourself.

It's ok, all of your feelings are ok.

It's HARD to be in a body that doesn't feel good.

I FEEL you.

I KNEW this before from inflammation and I know this this moment from being overdue.

You have to be able to soothe yourself wherever you are.

And then you can make moves.

AND finally.

Stop listening to everyone else.

They don't know.

No one can know your body like you know it.

Inside you know what you want and need.

I realized I was 'shoulding' around these ideas that I HAD to wait longer. I had to keep trying to let him come naturally and that even thinking about getting iduced was bad.

Some people are all about it.

Some people aren't.

I stopped this morning and tuned out of all of that and tuned into ME and what is RIGHT FOR ME and DASH right now.

And I decided that I know what to do. And it doesn't matter what it looks like out there. This is where you have to listen to your heart and decide what to do.

You can believe in something (and you have to) before it makes sense.

You have to follow the path that you get to have what you want.

And you do that when you BELIEVE in what your heart and soul is saying.

PS: it never says you're dumb and you don't know...

You know.

You know. You know.

You know what to do.

Or you will when you ask and listen.

That's what I had to. Stop waiting and stop wondering and ASK and LISTEN.

I want you to know you can do it.

And you can do it an away that you believe in.

And what you want is real.


xo, Jodi