How to Hack a Cold or Allergies Holistically At Home!

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Hi guys!

I have a cold. Or allergies. Or both. I’m not sure, whichever it is or was, I’m definitely feeling WAY better than a few days ago thanks to my at home remedies and discovering that the flowers we brought home this weekend were making me sneeze! I had to get rid of them, but my nose is more important!

I made this short You Tube video to show you alllll the things I keep at home which are my natural medicine cabinet products that work really well to help you feel better when you have a cold or allergies.

Check out the video below and then I listed and linked the products that I could below if you feel called to check them out! Let me know if you use or do any of these things now or which ones you are going to try!

Here are the highlights of what I talked about in this video:


HYDRATE: your body is working harder when you are sick and it’s made of mostly water therefore help it out and help it to flush out the virus or allergens that you are working with!

EAT LIGHT: don’t compete with your immune system when you are fighting a bug. When you eat, most of your energy shifts to your digestion, and that will take what it takes, the lighter and I mean lighter energy, easier to break down foods you eat while sick the faster you can feel better because your body has more energy to work on healing itself. My top picks are pears, applesauce, smoothies.

ESSENTIAL OILS: In this video I talk about Thieves oil, the classic germ fighter. This is the blend of oils that I diffuse, put in my mouth for my sore throat, use as cough drops and referenced the hand sanitizer about. I also take it on airplanes whenever we travel and rub it everywhere.

For the babes I also used Young Living’s kids line that doesn’t have to be diluted, I rubbed Sniffleaze on their feet whenever I thought of it. Check out all the oils I buy here! (I’m not an affiliate I buy through my mom!)


1 oz mangosteen juice + 2 drops each lemon, lavender and peppermint oil + 1 tsp MSM sulfur

SILVER: I use colloidal silver spray for acute conditions and simply spray it in my throat, up my nose, in my eyes and hydrosol for regular use.

Mangosteen juice + silver + MSM sulfur are purchased from Live Pure! I don’t have a direct link but you can put in my user name/number to purchase (US11100161)

Check them out here!

SALT WATER GARGLE: this is gross to me but I did this and forgot to mention it on the video! Mix himalayan sea salt in warm water and gurgle it in the back of your throat and then spit it out. It definitely helps take away the raw burn!

BOIRON tablets: check out this brand for homeopathic remedies, found online or at health food stores!

Also I apologize for my completely messy disheveled look, that’s about how good I felt when I made this video from being sick, sneezing, getting puked on a lot by Dash and both the boys waking up a lot recently. They will be sleeping through the night soon right!!?! Yes they will. I decided. It is done. :)

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