Where results and body changes come from...{rant inside}

>>Where results and body changes come from<<

They come from INSIDE you. And not just from the right foods that feed your cells.

There is NO FOOD or no combination of foods that are a magic pill to make something be healed in your body.

I watched the documentary Heal, awhile ago and they featured a woman who was SUPER healthy, like drinking the green juices everyday, yoga, beach walks healthy diet, the whole thing.

AND....she got cancer. (she also healed - yay!)

This is not to scare you but it IS to say that you have to see the total health and well being is a MIND BODY DEAL.

There is not one without the other.

Sometimes the acts of changing the diet and eating better make someone easily believe it's ENOUGH. That you've done enough, are doing enough and that creates the results.

Sometimes you do all the right things and you still get sick or don't lose the weight.

HINT HINT: proof it is NOT EVER only about food and exercise.

**Except that 'all the things' would mean you are living the identity of a healthy person and see the mental aspects**

Sometimes you know there are things to do to make you feel better, but you don't do them. Again, the work is an inside job WHILE you work on changing habits so that they become real and sustainable and WHO YOU ARE.

>>If this is you - you have to differentiate between who you are right not and 'making yourself' eat better, workout etc. And BE a healthy person who naturally does those things and wants to do those things<<

Sometimes it's clear to why we are struggling, sometimes it's not, but it is always a mindset job.

But you can always ask yourself:

  • what is wrong? What is so hard in my life right now?

  • What feels stressful or like overwhelm or too much?

  • what do I really need here?

  • what do I really WANT here?


Did you see the livestream I did yesterday? In that video I titled it, how to guarantee results from a plant based diet....

So how can I say that?

It happens when you see that 'thing' #6 is the most important one.

It's your mind. It's your beliefs. It's YOU seeing that YOU have the power.


I am not your savior.

I am here to GUIDE you and help you see what you cannot see. And share what I know for sure. And teach you how to make the practial aspects of eating real healthy high vibrational foods EASIER.

It's personal responsibility babe.

I can't feed you.
I cant' MAKE you do anything, and even if you do the things, I can't MAKE you believe in them, or in yourself, or in your inevitable results.

You have to see your end goal as INEVITABLE.

Take on the attitude: I WILL HAVE THIS.

I will have my health, I will have my body exactly as I want it to be.

I will heal, cleanse, soothe, nourish.

I will release the weight.

I will LIVE in my version of my VORTEX body.

I had to get that after IVF. That NO DOCTOR, NO ONE could tell me that I was unable to have my own baby.

I decided to heal. I decided to change. AND I decided to do it in a way where I stopped being an obsessed person about food and working out.

NOW - I do all of those things because I FREAKING LOVE THEM.

You couldn't stop me if you if you tried. You couldn't PAY me to eat doritos or pepsi. You couldn't PAY me to not workout. And you don't have to MOTIVATE me to do the things I do for my health. I am naturally inspired to.

That's what I want for you too.

>>To KNOW your innate POWER 💥💥💥

>>To DECIDE that the answers are here now, when you see it's your food and your mindset and energy

>>To ALLOW your body to change and heal and transform

>>To KNOW that you are ENOUGH and all you do is MORE than ENOUGH

>>To BREAK UP with dieting, with making yourself do things you hate, and with forcing exercise

>>To RELAX into the grace that God gives you. This isn't and never was supposed to be so hard

Imagine what it would be like to wake up everyday, just knowing how to take beautiful care of your body and health.

To have all the energy you want.

To be excited to cook, eat real food and move your body.

To LOOK how you WANT TO LOOK all the time, without force or effort or a week long cleanse.

Can you see that?

Can you imagine that?

You need to in order to bring it to life.


Where are you in your relationship with your body and health?

Fueled & Focused starts MONDAY. And yes it is a LIFE cHANGING course. (all my stuff is)

You will learn what your body wants and needs and how to take the actions that a person who values health takes.

To learn about the food aspects and cooking and shopping and buying and prepping, AND to BE the person who does that easily.

If you are already 'doing the things' to be healthy, and still have symptoms of inflammation: TRUST YOUR GUT is where you want to be.

And if you just are so OVER IT and want 1:1 support, then message me about my 4 month coaching package. You will never look at food, health, or your body the same.

I want each of you get what you want, please reach out if you're ready to do this thing with me.

I love you.
