This baby was not an accidental miracle.....

Do you know people who wanted to have a baby and they tried and tried and tried and struggled and suffered and it didn't work...and then....they took a break or adopted or something AND THEN they 'miraculously' got pregnant?

YEAH - that is not my story ✨✨✨

I don't mean to sound arrogant but I know what I did to create this baby.

And it wasn't an accident. It was inevitable. And it IS a miracle, but it is not 'miraculous' if by miraculous you mean:

>>out of the ordinary

>>something really hard to to do or get

>>something mystical and mysterious that you have no idea how it happened

I know how it happened. I created it.

I created it with my demand to know how and why.

You see the biggest struggle I had with IVF and all the things infertility was no one could or would tell me WHY my body, and my pretty healthy body was not cooperating in this thing called getting pregnant that is supposed to be pretty typical for women to do.

And that FIRED ME UP. Because I have to know. It's in who I am that I know things, because I am a teacher to the core and I only teach what I know for sure.

I only teach what I have dived into so deeply that no one and no thing could tell me otherwise because I just GET IT and KNOW IT and LIVE IT.

This is good for you if you listen to anything I say about food and health.

I had to understand and I called in that understanding in many ways. And then I experienced it.

I experienced what it was like to change how I ate. To change how I saw all food, to change how I saw toxicity and chemicals lurching around us everywhere all day long in the world.

I experienced having no period, no cycle to creating it back.

To having 'mystery' infertility to knowing I was no longer living that identity even though I never went back in to see anyone or to have a test or check my hormones. I just KNEW.

AFTER I did these things, I understood the pathways and core reasons that my physical self wasn't lining up with fertility and getting pregnant.

And AFTER diving deep into personal development, and really all my entrepreneurial coaching did I SEE and learn and realize how I had beliefs and fears that also were just as powerfully keeping me from being pregnant.

So yes, we got our miracle, but I wasn't surprised. I was surprised at the time because we didn't 'try' to have a baby. We didn't talk about getting pregnant naturally other than the comments I would make to Heath, to my parents, my sisters, and my best girl friends about how I was going to be naturally pregnant one day.

Heath didn't even really want me to be pregnant naturally because we have all these other embryos.

But - it was meant to be. Part of my story. Part of the lesson. Part of my teaching.

So when it really happened, yes I did freak out sort of more than I wanted to.

But whatever, I did it. I made it. He's almost here.

I want you to know, that you can hope for a miracle or you can dive in and see what is in the way.

This goes for babies, fertility, for weight loss, for health issues, for things that seem hard or mysterious to you.

You are SEEN. You are KNOWN. You are inherently worthy of your desires.

To be a mom.

To be healthy.

To be hot.

To look good and feel good.

To have it all.

To know the truth and live in that power and also use it to create a life long healthy family.

It must be known. We have to stop fearing that it's hard or no one can figure it or us or our bodies out.

That's BS.

I can help you.

If you are ready to know, to see, and to implement and act in a way that you get what you want, message me for one of my 1:1 coaching spots.

It's 4 months.

It's everything you need to understand, and live and be and feel.

It's possible. It's probably. It's YOURS the second it has to be.
