What I put in Dalton's lunches, how to pack it healthy!

What are you packing in your kids lunches?

I pack Dalton's lunch every single day and it's all he's ever known.

Most of the time, it's MOSTLY fruits and veggies. He's a meat eater so I add proteins for him too, or leftovers. Here are my top must haves for quick and easy things to have on hand for your kids packable school lunches:

dalton lunch.JPG

* Individual serving packs of guacamole and hummus

Mine are Wholly Guacamole and Kirkland brand hummus both from Costco.

* Frozen Fruit

I move batches of it to glass containers in the fridge so some is thawed out. Our favorites to pack are:




* Fresh fruit

I usually make Dalton a smoothie every morning OR he'll snack on fruit while I make lunch in the morning. So he'll bring a smoothie to school, they put it in the fridge for him if it doesn't fit in his bag, or a banana or cuties.

Cut up options we usually do:







* Proteins

We use a quality organic turkey slices, or organic turkey burgers that we cook and then send (he likes them with his little container of organic sugar free ketchup) and sometimes a pickle!

Otherwise it's leftovers like salmon, mahi mahi, or a pasta dish (gluten free)

Plant proteins are his hummus, the pasta, or dried chickpeas

* Frozen Veggies

>>Peas (thawed out)

* Fresh Veggies

>>Mini colorful bell peppers

>>Bell peppers sliced

>>Sliced cucumbers

>>Steamed rainbow carrots

>>Steamed broccoli

>>Roasted potatoes

NOTE: I don't cook any of this the morning of. It's all leftover or extras from the day or couple days before. If I really think ahead I put everything into his little containers the night before and then just move it into his lunch box in the morning.

What else do you want to know about packing healthy kids lunches??
